what does it mean to traverse a list

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Definition of traverse

verb (used with object), trav·ersed, trav·ers·ing.

to pass or movement over, forth, or through.

to go to and fro over or along.

to extend across or over: A bridge traverses the stream.

to go up, downwards, or across (a rope, mountain, colina, etc.) at an angle: The climbers traversed the eastward face of the mount.

to ski across (a loma or gradient).

to cause to move laterally.

to await over, examine, or consider carefully; survey; consider.

to contradict or deny.


  1. (in the law of pleading) to deny formally (an allegation of fact fix forth in a previous pleading).
  2. to join upshot upon.

to plough and point (a gun) in any direction.

verb (used without object), trav·ersed, trav·ers·ing.

to pass along or become across something; cross: a signal in the river where we could traverse.

to ski across a hill or slope on a diagonal.

to turn laterally, as a gun.

Fencing. to glide the blade toward the hilt of the contestant'south foil while applying pressure to the blade.


the act of passing across, over, or through.

something that crosses, obstructs, or thwarts; obstacle.

a transversal or like line.

a identify where one may traverse or cantankerous; crossing.

Architecture. a transverse gallery or loft of communication in a church or other big building.

a bar, strip, rod, or other structural part placed or extending beyond; crosspiece; crossbar.

a railing, lattice, or screen serving every bit a barrier.


  1. the zigzag track of a vessel compelled by contrary winds or currents to sail on dissimilar courses.
  2. each of the runs in a single direction made in such sailing.


  1. a defensive barrier, parapet, or the similar, placed transversely.
  2. a defensive barrier thrown beyond the terreplein or the covered way of a fortification to protect it from enfilade fire.

Gunnery. the horizontal turning of a gun so as to brand it indicate in any required direction.


  1. the motion of a lathe tool or grinding cycle along a piece of work.
  2. a part moving along a piece of work in this manner, every bit the railroad vehicle of a lathe.

Surveying. a series of intersecting surveyed lines whose lengths and angles of intersection, measured at musical instrument stations, are recorded graphically on a map and in numerical class in data tables. Compare closed traverse.

Law. a formal deprival of some matter of fact alleged by the other side.



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Origin of traverse

Kickoff recorded in 1250–1300; (verb) Middle English traversen, from Middle French traverser "to cross," from Late Latin trānsversāre, derivative of Latin trānsversus (see trans-, versus); (noun) Eye English language travers(e), from Middle French traverse (from Latin trānsversa "something lying across," feminine of trānsversus ) and travers (from Latin trānsversum passage across, neuter of trānsversus )


Words nearby traverse

travel time, travel trailer, Traven, Travers, traversal, traverse, Traverse City, traverse jury, traverse rod, travertine, travesty

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022

How to use traverse in a sentence

British Lexicon definitions for traverse


to pass or go over or back and forth over (something); cross

(tr) to go against; oppose; obstruct

to move or cause to move sideways or crosswise

(tr) to extend or achieve beyond

to turn (an artillery gun) laterally on its pin or mount or (of an artillery gun) to plough laterally

(tr) to wait over or examine advisedly

(tr) law to deny (an allegation of fact), as in pleading

(intr) fencing to slide one's bract towards an opponent'south hilt while applying pressure level against his blade

mountaineering to movement across (a face) horizontally

(tr) nautical to brace (a 1000) fore and aft


something existence or lying beyond, such as a transom

a gallery or loft inside a edifice that crosses it

an obstruction or hindrance

fortifications a protective bank or other barrier across a trench or rampart

a railing, screen, or curtain

the act or an instance of traversing or crossing

a path or road across

nautical the zigzag course of a vessel tacking often

law the formal denial of a fact alleged in the reverse political party's pleading

surveying a survey consisting of a series of directly lines, the length of each and the angle betwixt them being measured

mountaineering a horizontal move beyond a confront


existence or lying across; transverse

Derived forms of traverse

traversable, adjective traversal, noun traverser, noun

Discussion Origin for traverse

C14: from Quondam French traverser, from Tardily Latin trānsversāre, from Latin trānsversus transverse

Collins English language Dictionary - Complete & Entire 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


Source: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/traverse

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